ETF, Mutual Fund, & Stock Research Platform

AI-Powered Investment Analysis

Make smarter investment decisions in seconds, powered by AI


Simplify Your Investment Research & Analysis

FastTrack AI helps investors and advisors cut through the noise and make confident decisions. Our platform delivers:

Instant Securities Analysis

Transform complex data into actionable insights in seconds

Intuitive Research Tools

Seamlessly explore charts and metrics that matter

Smart Investment Discovery

Find high-potential opportunities aligned with your strategy


Spot Market Trends Others Miss

Make confident decisions backed by traditional technical analysis.

  • Clear, Actionable ChartsPersonalized charts to track key metrics used by successful investors including performance, momentum, and proven technical indicators.
  • Integrated Risk AnalysisMonitor volatility and drawdowns with clear overlays that help you understand and manage risk.
  • Customizable DashboardsBuild your ideal analysis workspace with the metrics and comparisons that matter to your strategy.
  • Start Spotting Opportunities Now


    Rank & Filter Investments in Minutes

    Our AI analyzes 10,000+ securities so you don't have to

  • No Learning Curve with AITurn questions and ideas into custom screeners.
  • Analyze 10,000+ securities across 50+ metricsSort and filter thousands of securities based on the metrics that matter most, tailored to your investment strategy.
  • Proprietary Momentum ScoresUse our unique metrics to identify stocks, funds, and ETFs with strong upward trends, helping you spot potential winners.
  • Import Your Own DataSeamlessly import your own time series and portfolios to analyze alongside ETFs, funds, stocks, and benchmarks.
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    Model Portfolios

    Build & Test Winning Portfolios Risk-Free

    Design, backtest, and optimize your investment strategies with 35+ years of historical market data

  • Backtest portfolios Analyze performance across 1000+ market scenarios
  • Track Model PortfoliosEffortlessly monitor and compare multiple portfolios against any benchmark
  • Streamlined Client Portfolio Close more clients with professional, data-driven portfolio comparisons
  • Start Building Your Portfolio. Free 14-Day Trial

    Scatter Plot

    Analyze Risk-Return with Precision

    Understand risk-return relationships with scatter plots that feature an AI-generated efficient frontier.

  • Buy Green. Sell Red.Simplify the complex universe of investment opportunities into an intuitive visual guide based on Harry Markowitz's Efficient Frontier
  • Discover the Strengths and WeaknessesPlot your portfolio, fund families, and more against the Frontier to identify underperforming assets and potential winners.
  • Explore Risk-Return


    Customize and Focus What Matters Most

    Access all your essential financial data and performance insights in one place. FastTrack AI’s customizable templates make it easy to view, analyze, and act on the metrics that matter most.

  • Flexible, Tailored VisualizationCustomize reports to show exactly what you need: choose from charts, tables, heatmaps, scatter plots, and more for deeper, actionable insights.
  • Access from Any DeviceYour reports are available anytime, anywhere—desktop, mobile, or tablet—on Mac, PC, and more. Analyze with ease, wherever you work best.
  • Learn More

    Ready to get Started?

    Create your account for free to try our product.

    Trusted by Leading Investment Firms



    See what your customers love about us.

    Risk Management with AI

    Having been a long-time user of FastTrack, I was thrilled to be part of the beta test for their new AI-powered platform. The insights derived from Harry Markowitz's Efficient Frontier have added new alpha to our process
    Jessica L.Portfolio Manager

    Starting Each Day on the Right Note

    Each morning, the first thing I do is open FastTrack AI. It gives me a clear snapshot of market trends and pinpoints exactly where I should focus my efforts for the day. This tool saves me hours and boosting my productivity.
    Chris L.Retired Doctor

    This thing is amazing!

    I've been using FastTrack for several years, FastTrack AI’s spreadsheet saved me hours with its customizable metrics. I can now rank securities in seconds.
    Alexa R.RIA

    Tracking Portfolios

    The portfolio modeling tool is a game-changer. I can easily build and test custom portfolios, track performance, and compare different strategies. This feature alone has made FastTrack AI an invaluable part of my investment process.
    Samuel D.Retired Investor

    Great for presentations

    FastTrack AI helps me show the risks and rewards of my investment strategies with clear visuals. This tool illustrates portfolio improvements effectively and engages clients. It's a powerful storytelling device that builds trust by simplifying complex data.
    Jordan SRetirement Planner

    Trading Smarter: A Game Changer

    The ability to scroll through charts and spot trends quickly has made it my go-to tool for analyzing market movements and identifying opportunities.
    Carlos R.Active Trader